
MangiaMore: BLUEBERRY pie

RER 7.4.14
Let’s just get this straight, right off the bat— I am not entirely sure I like blueberries or blueberry pie and I am not entirely sure I liked this blueberry pie. This was my first time making blueberry pie, and perhaps even tasting homemade (well almost) blueberry pie. With all that said, our pie was decent— the filling was pretty tasty, but the store-bought crust was far less than tasty.
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My boyfriend wanted to make one of these fruit pies for the 4th of July festivities and I got excited. I like to bake new things and eat baked things. We kind of just picked the first recipe we saw, and used it as the base. Boyfriend wanted to add a few extras: lemon zest, lemon juice and mint. I was like, why the heck not.
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It resulted in a very floral filling. The tangy blueberries melted to sweetness once cooked, while the lemon brought back the tart memories. Though subtle, the mint created a rounded edge, adding to the floral brocade.
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The pie was nice, but it was easy to tell we cheated. The crust was just not on the same level as the layered filling, lacking depth, character and love. Unfortunately, that purchased crust was the downfall of the pretty pie, tainting both texture and flavor to displeasure. Next time I make a pie, I will definitely go all out Martha and construct a homemade crust.
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What did you bake for America’s Birthday? Have you been taking advantage of the delicious seasonal fruits? Anything good or out of the ordinary I should try with summer season fruits or veggies? Would love to hear from you!
RER 7.4.14

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