
photo op: RECENT eats

RER 6.17.15
Even amongst a sea of changes, one thing remains constant in my life— eating. So when things shift, opportunities arise, and feelings fade, food brings comfort and familiarity.

So, I let it.
RER 6.7.15

RER 6.7.15

Making stir-fry with Mommie kept me on my toes, but I was excited to eat the crispy veggies and tender meat drenched in sweet and spicy sauce blanketing sesame scented rice.
RER 6.9.15
RER 6.9.15

I indulged in sweet things that made my teeth quiver with happiness while allowing a warmth to rush over me and a smile to bend. Like chocolate Mini- Course Cupcakes strewn with all of the imagination of children and soft chocolate chip cookies, bedazzled with rainbow sprinkles and sunshine.
RER 6.10.15
RER 6.10.15
RER 6.10.15

At the Alumni- Faculty BBQ that I helped to plan, somehow, in the warm air heavy with smoke, the food was bright and refined, exceeding my cookout expectations. Beautiful vegetables gleamed in the afternoon light while burgers hissed and sizzled on the lazy big jon grill.
RER 6.16.15
RER 6.16.15
RER 6.16.15

Yelp events really know how to make a girl happy, whisking her away to eat her memories of a simpler time at Johnny Rockets in Hoboken. Fries and onion rings quickly brought me back to elementary school field trips and failed first days of work. But burgers and buns and Oreo milkshakes made the present worth it.

A pasta moment of appreciation warmed teachers’ bellies and the company made it delicious.

Follow the food on instagram, facebook, and yelp.
RER 6.9.15

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